Monday, February 21, 2011

Making Money Scam


Job Hunter Scams

These types of scams targeting job hunters and attempts to gain access to personal information such as bank account or social security numbers and sometimes even ask for a fee in order to be registered for the job. This is one of the most common type of scams today with more and more people loosing jobs and it is getting difficult to get new jobs.


Debt Relief and Settlement Services

These services often charge fees and leave the consumer in even more debt. It is estimated by the Better Business Bureaus that these type of services increased by approximately 30 percent in 2010.



Work from Home Schemes

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is famous for having the world's largest collection of Vincent Van Gogh's drawings and paintings. But it has another reason to draw our attention today - scammers have managed to compromise its official Facebook presence.

Regular readers of Sophos's Naked Security site will be only too familiar with the survey scams that plague Facebook, spread usually via rogue applications that have used social engineering to trick innocent users into giving their permission to post to their walls.

What may surprise some is that this isn't just a problem for your personal Facebook pages - it can also affect fan pages which you may administer (for instance, pages which represent your organisation or company).

In other words, if your personal page falls foul of a scam then the bad guys can also automatically post messages to your company Facebook page too - potentially impacting the thousands of fans you have been carefully nurturing.

Clicking on the link takes you to a version of the money-making "I was logged into Facebook for XXXX hours in 2010" scam that we have warned Facebook users about before.

The Van Gogh Museum has posted an update on its page, apologising for the spam messages and asking how it can prevent the abuse happening again:

We're so sorry about the automatic spam messages that seem to keep on appearing on this page about the hours we've been loged on to facebook. We did not post these! Does anyone know how we could prevent this happening again?

Normally, it's pretty straight forward to clean-up your Facebook account after being hit by a survey scam. I described how to do it in a video I made late last year, where I show how you can clean out rogue applications that you have mistakenly allowed to access your Facebook profile.

I would suggest that all of the Van Gogh Museum's Facebook administrators follow that advice and make sure that they have locked down their Facebook profiles appropriately and chosen hard-to-crack unique passwords.

But there may be another issue.

The scammers have posted messages to the Van Gogh Museum's Facebook page via the Mobile Uploads photo gallery.

That's the facility Facebook supplies to post status updates to your Facebook page remotely, just by sending an email to a unique address (every Facebook account has a specific email address for this purpose).

If someone was able to work out the museum's unique email address for uploading mobile photographs then they would be able to post photos (and links to their survey scams) with ease.

It may, therefore, be time for the museum to refresh its mobile upload email address. By the way, it's not clear to me if you can tell Facebook to not allow any email address to be used for mobile uploads, but I would imagine that many institutions would find the permanent blocking of the feature attractive.

There's a lesson here for everybody, of course. If your company runs a Facebook page then you and your administrators will need to be on their toes to prevent harm being done if scammers manage to compromise it.

Learn more about the different threats which Facebook users and companies face by joining the Sophos page on Facebook.

Hat tip: Thanks to Naked Security reader Aniko for informing us about the incident involving the Van Gogh museum.

Some Genes Like It Hot - Science <b>News</b>

Home / News / Article. Some genes like it hot. Regional DNA differences may be due to climate. By Laura Sanders. Web edition : Saturday, February 19th, 2011. font_down � font_up Text Size. WASHINGTON — You are where you live, ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Felt Egypt Revolt &quot;Too Important&quot; Not to <b>...</b>

"It takes a special kind of person to keep going back into threat areas," a Logan colleague tells Us. - F1 <b>News</b>: Bahrain withdraws opening race

Bahrain Grand Prix organisers have announced that the event will not host the opening round of the 2011 Formula 1 season, after days of uncertainty following unrest in the country.

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asia-century-scam-3 by pmt2009

Thursday, February 17, 2011

how to manage personal finances

U.S. states face so much pressure to fund pensions for public
employees that it could hurt their credit ratings, Moody's Investors
Service said on Thursday.

As concerns grow over the
financial health of many states after the 2007-2009 recession and how
they will cut spending to cope, the ratings agency combined pension and
debt data to rank the liabilities of each state.


the past, Moody's evaluated credit risks from pensions and debt levels
separately. Lower credit ratings could raise the costs to states of
borrowing money.


Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey and Rhode Island, along with
Puerto Rico, have the largest debt-and-pension loads, Moody's found.


Nebraska and South Dakota have the lowest.


and growing debt and pension burdens have been, and will continue to
be, contributing factors in rating changes," Moody's said.


with pensions -- which states have underfunded by at least $700
billion -- include weak returns on investments, not enough money set
aside, impending retirements of "Baby Boomers" born in the late 1940s
through mid-1960s, and Americans living longer, Moody's said.


York, Delaware and California are often cited for large debt burdens
but do not have the highest combined long-term liabilities, Moody's
analyst Ted Hampton said in a statement.


"In general, states'
rankings for debt and pension combined parallel their rankings for debt
alone," Hampton said but he added: "not all states with large debt
burdens also suffer from weak pension funding."




$700 billion underfunded figure is a conservative estimate for how
much money states will need to cover the pension promises they have
made to their employees.


But $3 trillion could be nearer the
mark, one study warned last year. States expect too generous a return
on investments made by their pension funds, said the study by Joshua
Rauh of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.


Regardless of the exact amount, states have to find a way to adequately fund pensions.


and more, it's going to take up a larger share of their ... budgets,"
said Kil Huh, director of research at Pew Center on the States, which
has been closely following the pension issue.


flows from three major sources into pension funds: employee
contributions, the employing governments and investment returns.


contributions have gone down and, at the same time, employer
contributions because of the fiscal crisis haven't been there," Huh

Moody's, too, says the problem is getting bigger.


pension liabilities have grown more rapidly in recent years because of
weaker-than-expected investment results, previous benefit enhancements
and, in some states, failure to pay the full annual required
contribution," the report said.


"Moreover, pension liabilities may be understated because of current governmental accounting standards," it added.


Moody's report "will shed more light upon the states which have
eliminated or underfunded their yearly contributions for pension
liabilities simply as a way to manage their finances," said Thomson
Reuters Senior Market Strategist Daniel Berger.


dramatic solution to the pension problem would be allowing states to
declare bankruptcy, which some congressional Republicans want. Then,
they could renege on pension promises made to employees.


being criticized for missing risks in the housing boom, Moody's is
showing with this report it's "not asleep at the wheel" on the pension
threat, said Richard Larkin, senior vice president and director of
credit analysis at Herbert J Sims & Co. in New York.


But, the
report also showed the liabilities are manageable, he added. For
example, Moody's found Hawaii's pension-and-debt load is equal to 16.2
percent of its gross domestic product, the biggest proportion of all the


Even though the liabilities are in the billions of dollars, "when you compare them to GDP it's still low numbers," Larkin said.


it's still relatively much lower than these problem countries people
keep comparing them to," he said, referring to recent fears that
California or Illinois will soon be plunged into troubles similar to
those Greece or Ireland are facing.

In a separate article, Simone Baribeau of Bloomberg reports, Moody's Says Massachussetts Among States With Highest Debt, Pension Burden:

style="text-align: center;">

/> [style="text-decoration: underline;">Ed. note: This post is authored by Evan Jowers and Robert Kinney of Kinney Recruiting, sponsor of the Asia Chronicles. Kinney has made more placements of U.S. associates and partners in Asia than any other firm in the past four years. You can reach them by email: asia at kinneyrecruiting dot com.]

Evan here. Please check out our daily blog at where we will have more posts than those that appear here. Today, for example, we have this post and also a post from Alexis Lamb regarding the Singapore market – “Singapore Swing.”

Please note that Robert Kinney and I will be working from our Hong Kong offices for a few weeks later this month and can be available for meetings with our readers then. Alexis, of course, is based permanently in Hong Kong.

Three Quick hits of the day (a new feature at One US firm in Hong Kong now has an expat / cola allowance of over $90,000 for single associates and over $100,000 for married associates; Almost every strong US cap markets practice in HK / China is hiring lateral associates now; It has recently become more common for US and UK firms in Singapore to offer an expat / cola allowance, albeit much smaller than in HK (for years, most firms offered no allowance in Singapore).

While interviewing for a US associate position in Asia can be quite different from interviewing for a spot down the street in New York or another major domestic market there are also some similarities to a job search in any domestic market. The key determining factors on whether you will have a chance at interviewing are top firm experience and impressive law school academics. The other obvious factor determining whether you will be asked to interview, at least for most positions in Asia, is language skills (Mandarin, Korean, Japanese). id="more-56969">

However, once you are in an interview, whether by phone, VC or in person, your stellar resume is not going to help you as much as it would in an interview for a US position. Overseas partners are looking for the right personality fit much more so than in a large domestic office. A major reason for this is because the offices are much smaller overseas, making it harder to hide a misfit (even a junior associate can be the face of the firm), but there are other reasons as well.

At a basic level, the factors that are especially important to demonstrate in an interview overseas are these:

• you have an entrepreneurial nature;

• you have a high level of maturity for your experience level;

• you have an outgoing personality (not overly “academic” in nature);

• you are able to fit in with different cultures;

• your personal presentation is generally positive; and

• you are a team player (no prima donnas need apply)

• you have a demonstrated interest / connection to your target market

These are obviously all factors that are relevant in any interview at least as “plus factors”, but these particular factors are especially important in Asia.

Keep in mind that within minutes of your first interview, most partners can pretty much figure out whether you have these attributes. Any of us at Kinney Recruiting can figure this out about candidates we speak to in minutes as well.

There is a much less structured environment for associates in busy overseas U.S. practices (at the smaller offices or newer practice groups it can be similar to working in a exciting start-up company, albeit one extremely well financed).

The market is such in Asia, especially in China, that firm clients are not nearly as institutionalized as in the major US markets. Sure, many US firms in Asia opened offices there initially to follow major clients. Nevertheless, the pitch environment is much more of a free-for-all in Asia, especially in China. A firm not being on the preferred vendors list at an i-bank, fund or other entity often does not even prevent representation from happening in Asia (while it is more difficult, a series of one time waivers for a firm by a client are not uncommon). In China especially, considering all the state run enterprise business, the vast majority of the IPOs being handled by PRC banks, and many emerging companies and funds, there is a lot of pitching going on by firms for this work. Further, while in New York deals are done mainly over the phone, in Asia there are a lot of in-person meetings throughout the process.

Needless to say, there is a lot of client contact for even junior associates, especially when in China a non-Chinese partner may be leaning heavily on his Mandarin-fluent associates for a lot more than due diligence. Mid-level associates in Asia are typically running their own deals.

In many instances in Asia your training is one-on-one mentoring from a partner or two, quite commonly with no senior associates in between.

Maturity is especially important in Asia because associates are given as much responsibility as they can handle. Simply put, a mature person can balance his or her workload between competing demands more than an immature one. There can be a lot of travel to meet with major clients and each associate, no matter how junior, is usually a vital part of their office’s overall practice and client development and retention. Each associate is also expected to be a self-starter and figure out things on the fly much more than is the case in a domestic office of the same firm.

The smaller offices of course make personality fit and personal presentation more important, for obvious reasons. As an associate at a top U.S. practice in Asia, you are more of a vital piece of the entire office’s practice and your personality is going to directly affect the firm’s practice. Senior partners overseas, especially those that moved to Asia from U.S. offices, have in many cases put a tremendous amount of effort (and some career risk) into building their book of business and reputation in a foreign country. Thus, they can take a lot of pride in their accomplishments, as they should. Understandably they want to avoid placing their reputation and practice in the hands of an associate with whom they do not have a strong personality fit or who cannot be counted on to be at his or her best every day.

As an associate in a large New York (or other major US market) office, with hundreds of attorneys, you surely know a number of very impressive young associate colleagues who are perhaps a bit over academic, but perform just fine in that large office environment. However, being too academic and not well rounded will not serve well in an entrepreneurial and less structured environment of a busy small overseas US corporate practice of a top firm. We have seen countless cases where the less impressive candidate on paper wins out over the more impressive resumed candidates, due to being better rounded and the right personality fit.

Most US partners who have been in Asia for a few years or more have experienced a hire gone bad simply because the US associate ultimately could not commit to the geographic market. Asia, especially China, is hot now and is considered “the place to be.” There are many very well intentioned and able young professionals in the US who believe they would like to relocate there, but ultimately find out later that the region is not for them. Thus, many US partners will take a jaded approach into an interview with a US associate who does not have an obvious connection to the particular target Asia market. Of course, a connection to the market is not a requirement to land there (if it were, most partners you are interviewing with would never have landed there to begin with), but the lack of a strong connection will need to be dealt with in an interview. It is ok to want to be in Hong Kong, for example, because it is an exciting market, has great deal flow, and you have visited there a few times, but the message has to be conveyed loud and clear in an interview and you need to be prepared to take on this elephant in the room early.

Keep in mind that U.S. firms have more risk with hires they make overseas, due to the high level of responsibility each associate has, and also because associates are simply less fungible in small, busy overseas offices. The past two years of economic downturn in the West caused full and partial hiring freezes at firms globally, even during most of the recent 20 months boom in China. Many U.S. practices in Asia have found themselves to be severely understaffed when just one or two associates leave, combined with increased deal flow. In a busy and competitive lateral hiring market in Asia, it can easily take a U.S. practice up to six months to replace a key associate that has not worked out.

Further, there is the added cost a firm takes on when hiring a U.S. associate lateral, especially if from the U.S. markets, such as annual housing / expat packages (which can run from $40,000 to $140,000 depending on the Asia market and firm) and international relocation costs, which includes up to two months in a luxury serviced apartment. Some firms even handle private school tuition for associates’ children.

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Ron Paul CPAC Video | Ron Paul Straw Poll | Fox <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year's CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America's Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in ...

Washington Extra – Royal <b>news</b> | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

As is increasingly the case, the United States is finding that talking pro-democracy is one thing. Dealing with the aftermath of uprisings another.

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money Online Forum

What to do with those coupons that you impulsively bought off of Groupon, Living Social, Ideeli, or any of the many other discounted ‘deal of the day’ sites? Sell ‘em!

That’s right, there’s a site for everything these days, and selling coupons, while initially relegated to online bulletin board sites, such as Craig’s List, have established their own re-sale sites and are open for business.

In case you’re not in the know about these daily deal sites, they provide a great, affordable way to discover what a city has to offer by selling heavily discounted deals for services and products in your area or online - With deals like Living Social’s Amazon price buster, offering a $20 gift card for $10 and surpassing one million gift cards sold, there are sure to be some “miss-buys.” You thought you wanted, or needed it, but in the end it was something you were never going to use.

After doing a little investigation, I came up with several names of deal for “resale” businesses, with a few emerging as the leaders of the pack. DealsGoRound, CoupRecoup, and Lifesta are suddenly making an impact in the market.

Yael Gavish, co-founder of Lifesta, says she saw a need for a forum focused on the aftermarket. She had a friend visiting her in New York, who had purchased a Groupon certificate. Unfortunately, when the friend arrived, they discovered the restaurant was closed for renovations. Her friend was out the money, but the idea was created.

"People buy daily deals and they all work on the impulse buy," explains Yael Gavish of "So you think you're definitely going to this, but then, it turns out that 20-40 percent of these daily deals are never really used." Their site has seen a monthly growth of 50 percent, mainly through word of mouth.

A great solution for “buyers remorse” if I ever saw one!

There’s a lot of buzz about small business funding these days. The issue has become a major one not only in the small business community but also among government leaders. It’s certain that finding the funds for your small business venture, especially until cash flow becomes regular, is a challenge every small business owner or entrepreneur faces. If you’re facing this issue, we hope the resources below will help. If there is a creative way you have dealt with this issue yourself, please let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear.


Four tips for raising cash. Raising money for your business venture is always a challenge and more so in a challenging economic climate. But tough times shouldn’t stop a determined entrepreneur from getting under way…whether investment is easy to come by or not. Open Forum

Praying for the help of angels. This simple post gives first-time entrepreneurs a detailed overview of the angel investor’s world. But more importantly, it takes a look at why angels invest and the kinds of businesses they prefer to invest in. If you’re seeking investment for your business start-up, it’s best to know what invest are looking for…including angels. The Smart Startup


U.S. program brings entrepreneurs/investors together. Venture capital investor Brad Feld talks about the newly unveiled Startup America Partnership as proof Washington “gets it” when it comes to promoting entrepreneurship. While we’re sure any program putting entrepreneurs and investors together can’t be all bad, a look at lowering taxes and revisiting the potentially harmful healthcare law would help as much as investment Brad. Feld Thoughts

Startup America boosts funding. Another post celebrates the federal program aiming at putting together entrepreneurs with investors. Here Aneesh Chopra, United States Chief Technology Officer, explains and praises the program. Getting funding to startups has become a major focus of government policy, but how will this translate to the broader small business community? Tech Crunch


New startup aims at providing capital for small business. A new company is trying to automate the loan process allowing small businesses to get an evaluation then apply for funding online. In essence, On Deck Capital takes the classic business approach of finding a problem and solving it. In this case, the problem is finding a better way to get investment for other small businesses. DealBook


Groundhog Day predictions. Yes, Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog, made his own predictions for the length of winter and the coming of Spring, but small business experts are making their own predictions too. Here are five small business predictions for Spring from a variety of sources, not surprisingly a few touching upon small business funding and its availability. Business News Daily

Small businesses get more credit card offers. Credit card companies will be making more offers to small businesses, according to recent media reports. But could entrepreneurs be too worried about taking on extra debt to take advantage of this opportunity? Read Rieva Lesonsky’s detailed overview of this new funding option and what it means. Small Business Trends


A whole new fundraising frontier. Could social media be the next frontier for small business fundraising in the same way that it has been for marketing and networking? Enter Kickstarter and other similar sites that turn to online communities as a way of funding projects. Could it be right for your funding needs? Open Forum

Raising capital: a how-to guide. Putting together funding for a small business has never been easy. Still it can be one of the most important skills an entrepreneur possesses. Still, getting started with the fundraising process for your small business is not rocket science. Here are some basic steps to get you started. Open Forum


Is small business funding still plagued by discrimination? A settlement as a result of a discrimination suit filed against the U.S. Small Business Administration has apparently still not resolved the issue of whether the federal agency is bias toward minority applicants for business funding. What’s your take on whether the federal loan program could be impeding investment in small business especially in minority or under-served communities? NYTimes

From Small Business TrendsSmall Business News: Small Business Funding Facts

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

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Pilot <b>News</b>: Rachel Bilson Officially Joins &#39;Hart of Dixie,&#39; Rob <b>...</b>

Rachel Bilson is officially reteaming with 'The O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz in The CW pilot 'Hart of Dixie.' According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bil.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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Cash Munkey by cashmunkey

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook Changes <b>News</b> Feed Settings, Some Users Only Shown Close <b>...</b>

Facebook recently changed the options in its news feed settings so users either “Show posts from: friends and Pages you interact with the most” or from “all of your friends and Pages.” Some users have unknowingly been defaulted to the ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

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Cash Munkey by cashmunkey

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook Changes <b>News</b> Feed Settings, Some Users Only Shown Close <b>...</b>

Facebook recently changed the options in its news feed settings so users either “Show posts from: friends and Pages you interact with the most” or from “all of your friends and Pages.” Some users have unknowingly been defaulted to the ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook Changes <b>News</b> Feed Settings, Some Users Only Shown Close <b>...</b>

Facebook recently changed the options in its news feed settings so users either “Show posts from: friends and Pages you interact with the most” or from “all of your friends and Pages.” Some users have unknowingly been defaulted to the ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook Changes <b>News</b> Feed Settings, Some Users Only Shown Close <b>...</b>

Facebook recently changed the options in its news feed settings so users either “Show posts from: friends and Pages you interact with the most” or from “all of your friends and Pages.” Some users have unknowingly been defaulted to the ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

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Cash Munkey by cashmunkey

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook Changes <b>News</b> Feed Settings, Some Users Only Shown Close <b>...</b>

Facebook recently changed the options in its news feed settings so users either “Show posts from: friends and Pages you interact with the most” or from “all of your friends and Pages.” Some users have unknowingly been defaulted to the ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

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1-Motivation- In most cases this is a top reason why people do not accomplish anything. If you're not properly motivated then nothing will get done. One also needs the right motivation. How many debt collectors or repo's can you face before taking drastic action to improve the quality of your life? Now if someone was holding a gun to your face and said "I let you live if you create a website that produces revenue" may get you started but it is not the best motivation factor. To actually produce money online you have to be motivated by something that allows you to stay in the game and work through times of boredom and the necessary but mundane tasks like writing out emails for your auto responder.

2 The Plan- We can definitely achieve making money online with the right game plan or business plan. Some people that are not achieving desired revenue from online activities should look at creating a plan of action, which will outline the various aspects to your business. Include everything from product or service to how you will contact potential buyers. Having a plan will help guide you and keep you on track when working online. Plus it will help you gage what activities will allow for growth and which activities should be put aside due to non-production.

3. Product or service- One way to make money is to get behind a product that you believe in. If you are not producing any income from marketing online perhaps getting involved in a service or selling a product that you have a passion for would help. How many times have you bought an item or used a service because the message you saw or heard created a strong desire inside of you. This passion of a service or product will benefit you to sell to others. It is also easier to talk or create written material because you have such a strong belief in what you are marketing.

4. Education- In order to achieve any kind of continued success when you work online or want to make money online then you should educate yourself. From new email auto responders to marketing techniques to finding ways to streamline business processes. Continual education will help you stay on top of the trends that are ripe with profit as well as help you teach others.

5. No Money- Sure, we all see and hear about those who do not have money that succeed however this is simply not true. It may not take the same amount of money to run a brick and mortar business but you will need money for hosting, auto responders, PPC campaigns and other recurring costs. You may be able to get away with needing $500 -$1000 dollars per month until your efforts are producing money to cover these costs (with the eventuality of profit). You may be able to get started for as little as $100 dollars which would give you the ability for a simple web page for sales and an auto responder, who knows if done right you may turn a quick profit.

6 Targeted Traffic- It is important to have a steady stream of people hitting your website in order for you to make money online. By targeting the service or product toward the people that are looking or would best need the service or product will greatly increase profitability. Promo articles posted on specific directories, web 2.0 networking and connecting via message boards with people are great ways to find targeted traffic. Writing articles will allow for backlinks to you web pages, web 2.0 will allow you to network quite easily and free and message boards are a great way to connect to individuals that are potentially looking for your product or service.

There are other reasons that you are not making money online, but for those that are looking to generate extra money to a full time income from online activities then these 6 reason are important to work on.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin. ypettywi details:   hello! cheap

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.">buy

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin."></a>

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin. »

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin. »

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.">buy

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin."></a>

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.">buy

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin."></a>

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.